- Use common sense. Before you even head out for a run, take a minute or two to do a safety check. Are your shoes tied? Are you familiar with your route? Does someone else know where you'll be running? Once you start running, continue with the safety checks. Make sure you're running off the street or against traffic (so you can see cars coming at you). Watch out for cracks or bumps in the sidewalk, or rocks and branches on your running path.
- Make sure you're visible. No matter time of day you're running, it's important that you're visible, especially to drivers. Get in the habit of wearing white or bright-colored clothes. When running in the early morning, night, or dusk, make sure you have reflective gear on. Although some items (running shoes, jackets) already have reflective pieces on them, it doesn't hurt to add more. A reflective vest can be worn over any form of running clothing and will definitely help drivers see you.
- Don't run alone at night...especially in a new city. No matter how comfortable you feel running at night or in a new city, there's always more safety in numbers. If you usually run solo, touch base with a local running tours company and let them show you the way.
- Always have identification on you. Put your driver's license and your medical insurance card (in case you get injured) in your pocket or wear an ID tag on your shoe. If you're wearing an ID tag or bracelet, make sure it has an emergency contact number on it. Whenever possible, I try to run with my cell phone, and it has my ICE (In Case of Emergency) numbers saved. Many runners use running belts to hold their ID and cell phone.
- Limit your distractions. I know it's tough -- maybe impossible -- for some of you to run without music, but you really shouldn't use your iPod or MP3 player for outdoor runs. Cutting off your sense of hearing means you can't hear oncoming cars, cyclists yelling to move, unleashed dogs, or any other potential threat. Save your iPod for your treadmill runs. And make sure you pay attention to your surroundings. If you let your mind wander too much, you may find yourself wandering into an unsafe area.
- Carry cash or ATM card. It's always a good idea to have money on you, in case of emergency. For example, if the weather turns bad, you get lost, or an injury starts bothering you, you may need to take a cab or bus back to your starting point. Some extra cash may also come in handy if you need to stop and buy water, sport drink, food, or first aid supplies during your run.
- Trust your instincts. If a location or person makes you feel comfortable, trust your gut and run in the other direction.

Ensure your safety and enjoy your next running adventure by following these simple tips. Do not hesitate to research a local sight running or running tours company to help guide you around the area. Now get out there and explore!
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